Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Ordinary Life

Heya~. Here I am again~. I just finished writing notes for module 8 of the hematology class I'm taking right now. I have been trying to get notes and assignments done for these extension classes. I guess since last time I wrote until now, one of the big news is me making it into CLS programs! I got into both programs at UCI and CSULA~. I was waitlisted on both of them at first though. I'm overjoyed and grateful when I found out the news. Now I am "fighting" the other half of the battle: passing these classes I'm taking, especially hematology. The set up of these classes makes passing it challenging even if you do well on other assignments, getting a 70% or lower constitutes a failing grade in the class. I don't like that setup. But I will play it. For now. I'm going to focus working toward my goals. I feel discouraged now and then, but I remind myself of how much anxiety and hard work I gave to get to this point. I want to give my best so even if I don't pass a class, I won't feel disappointed in myself because I didn't give my best. 

I have been trying just to live everyday. By live, I mean realize the goodness in everyday and not wish to skip forward. After these 24 years, I learned that at any point in life, one can always wish to fast forward because there is an issue at hand. I want to learn to deal with whatever is present and enjoy the time I have now. I have been slowly doing school work and working at my part time job. I look forward to little craft projects I want to do, hangouts with my boyfriend on the weekends, Sunday lunch with my family, and other little things that pop up now and then (like eating crawfish this weekend or planning for a trip this summer). Well, I will continue living and enjoying my ordinary life now. Until next time then.   

Sunday, March 6, 2016


I bought a nightstand today and I am loving it! No more tossing books and my iPad on the floor. And tissue box, water bottle, pens, and pencils. No more waking up to crushed glasses and phone. I'm fortunate to have such sturdy glasses or else I would have no money left for anything else! It was a spontaneous buy and kind of a splurge. I mentioned to Quan that I'm looking to buy a nightstand. I originally planned to check out Goodwill first but Quan asked, "Why not go to Ikea?". Brilliant idea! Somehow Ikea, my poor-college-student-go-to furniture store didn't cross my mind. So off we went on a spontaneous furniture shopping trip.

I haven't gone back in soooo long. I felt like a kid on a field trip. I sat on sofas, chairs, beds, and....tables and also wanted to buy almost everything. I came with the intention of buying a $15 wooden night stand but of course came across a plethora selection of nightstands and side tables. A $20 French and chic side table caught my eyes but when I saw this one, "we clicked". The only issue was that it was $30! Decisions, decisions... I tend to lean toward the cheaper one because it's my nature I guess. But this one looks modern and sleek and is available in white! The only thing holding me back was the price. But my boyfriend was my consultant and after some time, I decided I'd "splurge" on a nightstand today. We managed to make it outside with just the nightstand, a set of extension cords, and of course the famous $1 Ikea "frozen yogurt". I will be a happy sleeper tonight.   

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Coming Back

So I haven't written in ages! 2 years to be exact. I decided that I would make a comeback. I should do school work right now...why am I awake and updating a 2 year old blog....

Anyways, I'm excited and looking forward to be writing more regularly from now on about my new exciting adventures in life. My positive 365 project totally failed...eek.I did go on an interview for the UCI CLS training program today....Yah, long story. Let me do a gradual update on my life...I should go to sleep now. I'll leave you with a brochure, a folder, and my fancy sticker name tag. Peace. 

Friday, January 24, 2014

5: Durian Ice-cream


As you might have noticed, there're quite a bit of posts on food so far, and it's only been a few days....I guess food is an enjoyable part of my day. The houselord I'm currently renting a room from gave me some durian ice cream today. She gives me food every now and then. But this durian ice cream was definitely a hit for sure. I love durian by itself and I'm reluctant to try durian flavored "stuff". But this was heavenly although I was full from dinner. It was certainly a delight. I am grateful for durian. haha

4: Home Made Food


Isn't the colors of the food just eye catching? Green against orange against white. It's full of colors and taste; the taste of home, the taste of love. It's the taste that reminds me why I am doing what I am doing, the taste to keep me going when the world becomes hostile and meaningless. It's not the fancy food that gets to me. It's the simple food that means the world to me. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

3: Waffles

This is one of the more amusing things I'm grateful for. There is not much to say except that they were a delight to taste. The maple syrup is a perfect complementary to the buttery sweet crispy waffle pieces. I am grateful that waffles exists. I am quite tired and still have so much school work to do, so that will do for today. At least I am caught up with my blog right? haha. Good night world, and eat waffles when you have the chance. 

2: Love

Ok, it has been only the third day of my 365 project and I have already missed a day....Well, I'm going to make up for days I miss by double posting, triple posting and more if necessary...

Now onto today's positivity.

Love. Love gives me smiles, hugs, warmth, comfort, food (yes, really, food, I will explain) and so much more that I have left out. I believe love itself really only gives wonderful things. I am grateful for the existence of such concept and feeling. But sometimes, negative side effects happen. Anyhow, back to smiles and hugs. Love isn't just romantic love. It's also family love, friendship love, and much more. Love for a hobby, love for a place, love for a feeling, etc...

I am grateful for the love that my family gives me. I can feel my parents' love the most through their cooking. Because I can't and don't always feel their love by other means. And I think they have a hard time expressing their feelings. Food is the medium. I love the food that they make. They show me love by telling me to eat a lot. They are two of the best cooks I know. My mom cooks pots and pans of food every weekend since my sis and I go to college "far" from home. Love is not always perfect, but it sure does give worth to life. I am grateful for my sister who has been there all along through ups and downs. My ups and downs. And her ups and downs. The subtle presence is sometimes forgotten, but it's there. Despite her occasional grouchiness and un-talkativeness and self-absorption, to me, she is a strong, beautiful, courageous, and admirable person. I hope she meets a wonderful man who loves her for her and she loves him for him. 

Then there is my romantic love. As Shakespeare has said, "The course of true love never did run smooth". We had our ups and downs. We still have it. And I'm sure there's more to come. I would say that I'm not a believer of love at first sight or soul mates, but intuitively, I feel at peace with him and I feel that it's right to be with him. And most importantly to me and him, we can communicate. He spoils me in his own way. And I try to give it back as best as I could. I have a favorite quote, whose author I forgot at the moment, but it says something along the line, "If you press me to say why I love him, I can only say because he is he and I am I". Because sometimes, things, feelings, are not explainable. We are learning more every day. I still adore him after almost 10 months of officially going out, but I have known him for almost 3 years now.I honestly want to still feel that way until the end of time.