Sunday, January 19, 2014

Project Positive 365


Hello all, I am still on planet earth. I know I haven't written in...forever. Just kidding. But I have found something I can write about, everyday!

A few weeks ago, I came across an article about a lady who wrote something positive or something she is grateful for everyday for one year. I thought that is a fantastic idea! So here I am, wanting to do the same thing.

Often in time, I think we are bombarded with the everyday life duties. Despite of the many positives that surround us, we focus focus on the negatives, which get the best of us and let our optimism in this very busy, sometimes seemingly hostile life. But I think if we take just a little time out of everyday to appreciate the goods that we have starting from our life to adorable corgi videos, we will realize that we're richer than we think.  

I am excited to begin this positive journey starting today despite being an "odd" day but I think next year is too far away to wait to start on such a wonderful project.

And please do not mind too much of the bumble bee version of the Switzerland flag. I thought it has good contrast and a plus there!

Let's start!     

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